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Out of my comfort zone

So today I took part in an art day led by tutor, Rachel Metcalfe. The room was full of eager participants from Gosforth and District Art Society. 

Rachel is a visual artist specialising in abstract landscapes. She is a Primary School teacher and also a tutor for adult Cumbria learning, so she has an abundance of talent and experience.

Encouraging us to get loose, it was far from the way I work so I was well out of my comfort zone.

Rachel brought with her Sketchbooks and other demonstration pieces. She began by getting us to divide up our paper into four. Encouraging us to work with just four colours she demonstrated techniques to develop abstract landscapes.  

Although it is so different from the way I work I am more than happy to try out new things and have a good play. I was struggling to get enough paint from my watercolour paint pans so I delved into my Pebeo inks. Suddenly with such bright colours I began to get more excited.

Some of the first attempts by the group.

Rachel demonstrated a landscape and a seascape. 

There were a few sighs around the room, seems I wasn't the only one out of my comfort zone but with Rachel's expert tuition and guidance as she toured the room, there were some lovely results.

We learned how to use cling film and salt for texture, mixing colours on the page and layering techniques. 


Lunch was our usual picnic in the round and time to browse Rachel's sketchbooks but soon we were back to it. 

There were some beautiful results during the day. 

In the afternoon we were encouraged to develop our own landscapes using our own photos or to follow a tutorial. I decided to just dive in with the inks and play. I was happy with these two by the end of the afternoon. One a stormy lighthouse and the other a tribute to the shocking act of vandalism at Sycamore Gap. 

 You can see Rachel's work currently at The Gather in Ennerdale, Lowes Court in Egremont, Thornthwaite Gallery and at Florence Mine, where she is exhibiting with myself and Nanette Madan.

Today I'm back in my comfort zone 😌 

It's not all Art, Art, Art! Or is it?
What a Wonderful Week!


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